Data-Driven Flight Planning

8Flight Aviator

5x more accurate flight planning information.The only source for:
Actual Fuel Prices (including contract), FBO fees, restaurants, & more!

Modern Flight Planning

Fly More, Waste Less Time

Critical data at your fingertips, and full concierge flight planning soon.

8Flight Aviator

Save 30 minutes in phone calls on your next trip.Every week (or day).

Critical Information

Accurate FBO fees, fuel prices (including contract fuel), price trends, airport restaurants & hotels.Including hours and offline details, so you can plan.


Our team collects & verifies all the data you need, so you can just fly.

(And soon we'll do even more, so you never have to worry about logistics again.)

8Flight Aviator

The Future of GA is Coming

New data, presented in new ways, so you don't even have to use it

Always Up to Date

Our data undergoes refresh and verification processes 24/7, and downloads to your app seamlessly so you never have to worry about missing anything

Filter by Self Serve or Full Serve & Hours

$4 fuel is great these days, but sometimes you want to pay $4.50 to sit inside while someone does it for you. And sometimes passengers want an FBO that's open. right. now.

New Features Weekly

Version 1.0 of 8Flight is the culmination of two years of work on so many fronts, and we're rolling out new features (and more service tiers -- advanced weather, concierge flight planning, etc) almost every single week.

Like a magic 8-Ball for your flight planning

The Most Affordable EFB

Buy your time back. Get off the phone, go fly.

Aviator Data


Try free for 30 days
Real Airport Data
High Resolution VFR Charts
Route Planning

Aviator Weather
(Coming Soon)


Try free for 30 days
Advanced Mappable Weather
IFR Charts / Procedures
Filing / Briefing

Save 30+ Minutes on Every Trip

Don't spend an hour calling 4 FBOs at each of 3 airports. We already did.

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